How can I activate my eHerkenning token?
You can activate your eHerkenning token by clicking on the link in the email you have received. Have...
I want to activate my eHerkenning token, but I'm not receiving an email or text message. How do I solve this?
An Administrator can check in the Management Module to see which email address the activation email...
What should I do if I forgot my password
You can retrieve your password via the website. After entering your username, you will receive an em...
My new password is not being accepted. What are the requirements for it to be accepted?
For safety reasons your password has to meet the following requirements:
At least 10 characters.
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My activation code isn't working, what should I do now?
Your activation code has likely expired. In the email, you can see until when the activation code is...
I'm not receiving a text message, how can I resolve this?
First, check if the correct phone number is linked to your eHerkenning token. Your administrator can...
My organization only has a tax identification number, can I apply for eHerkenning?
If your organization is not registered at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce you can apply for eHerkennin...
What is the reason extra costs are charged for eHerkenning for foreign organizations?
Because your organization is not registered at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce, extra checks have to b...
I am not registered at the Dutch chamber of commerce, but I need eHerkenning. How can I apply?
You can apply for eHerkenning with the tax identification number you received from the Tax Authoriti...
How do I retrieve my username?
Easily retrieve your username through our website. Simply provide your email address, and we’l...